Cigarette Prices Motivating More Quit Attempts, Study Says


The rising cost of cigarettes is proving to be a powerful incentive for smokers to kick the habit. According to a recent study conducted by researchers at University College London, one in four adults in England is now motivated to quit smoking due to the escalating prices of tobacco products1.


The Price Tag on Health

In a survey involving nearly 6,000 participants, health concerns remained the top reason cited for quitting smoking. However, the study highlighted an additional factor that could encourage even more quit attempts: money saved. By emphasizing the financial benefits of quitting, health experts hope to inspire more smokers to take that crucial step toward a smoke-free life2.

The Numbers Speak

Why Quit?

Cigarettes are the leading preventable cause of death and disease in the UK. The toxic substances they contain contribute to conditions such as lung cancer, lung disease, and heart disease. Shockingly, approximately half of all lifelong smokers die prematurely due to smoking-related illnesses2.

Pandemic Impact

The study also observed a continued rise in the proportion of smokers attempting to quit since the start of the Covid pandemic. The heightened awareness of health risks during the pandemic likely played a role in motivating more people to give up smoking. However, the loss of jobs and income caused by Covid, compounded by the current cost-of-living crisis, has further intensified the need for change2.

Switching to E-Cigarettes

Dr. Sarah Jackson, one of the study’s authors, suggests that smokers can significantly reduce their expenses by switching to e-cigarettes. With prices rising, this message could be a valuable component of future government campaigns aimed at encouraging smoking cessation2.

Previous research indicates that smokers spend an average of £20 per week on cigarettes, while e-cigarette users spend only £6.30. As the cost of smoking continues to climb, making the switch to e-cigarettes becomes an increasingly attractive option2.

Legislation and the Future

Recent legislation in the UK aims to curb smoking rates further. MPs have voted to ban anyone born after 2009 from purchasing cigarettes. The proposed Tobacco and Vapes Bill includes some of the strictest smoking laws globally and seeks to make vaping less appealing to children by restricting flavors and packaging2.

If you’ve successfully quit smoking due to rising cigarette prices, we’d love to hear about your experience. Share your story by emailing us at or via WhatsApp at +44 7756 1658032.

Remember, it’s never too late to quit smoking and improve your health. 🚭


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